Anthony Ray (born August 12, 1963), better known by his stage name Sir Mix-a-Lot is a rapper and producer from Seattle, Washington. He is best known for his song "Baby Got Back". His first hit, released on Nastymix Records in 1988, was the single "Posse on Broadway" giving some the impression that he was a New Yorker. The reference was actually to the street of the same name on Seattle's Capitol Hill. The song contains a sample from David Bowie's 1975 hit "Fame". Other popular hits include "Buttermilk Biscuits" (1988), "Square Dance Rap" (1988), "Beepers" (1989), "My Hooptie" (1990) a song about a car in disrepair and "Jump On It" (1996). Sir Mix-a-Lot has tended to write, arrange, program, perform, and produce his own music. His best-known song is the Miami Bass styled song "Baby Got Back" (1992), a number one hit that won him fame and the 1993 Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance. The single has since been parodied many times and is usually played in irony, celebrated for its over-the-top nature. A hook from the title song of his 1988 release Swass is finding a new audience with the success of The Pussycat Dolls' "Don't Cha".
1. One Time's Got No Case
2. Mack Daddy
3. Baby Got Back
4. Swap Meet Louie
5. Seattle Ain't Bullshittin'
6. Lockjaw
7. Boss Is Back, The
8. Testarossa
9. Rapper's Reputation, A
10. Sprung on the Cat
11. Jack Back, The
12. I'm Your New God
13. No Holds Barred
PASSWORD: djtoma
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